Actress Omoni Oboli took to her Instagram page this afternoon to send loving words to her last son, Chizi, who turns a year older today. According to her, she wanted a daughter so badly before his birth but she is grateful to God for giving him to her. She shared the photo above and wrote;
"#TheFirstLady and The Last least for now 😜. Happy birthday to my wonderful son Chizi! Thank you for choosing me to be your mom! Let me tell you a little story...when I was going to have Chizi, I wanted a daughter so bad. We already named the baby Adanna in the womb. Even after the doctor said we were expecting a boy, I refused to give up.
Lo and behold, Chizi came and I thank God that in his infinite mercies, he decided to give me Chizi. I cannot begin to tell you how much joy he brings me. Just like his mama, Chizi is a jack of all trade and master of all! He's a straight A student, he's great at sports, dances very well, fantastic at art, does very believable magic tricks, solves his rubi cube very fast and all the things he does. He's such a delight and so lovable! Always smiling and whistling. Melts my heart all day, every day! I couldn't have asked for a better son! Pray with me #Omonifamthat God will keep him in His love and increase him on every side. No evil shall befall him nor any plague come near him in Jesus name!"
"#TheFirstLady and The Last least for now 😜. Happy birthday to my wonderful son Chizi! Thank you for choosing me to be your mom! Let me tell you a little story...when I was going to have Chizi, I wanted a daughter so bad. We already named the baby Adanna in the womb. Even after the doctor said we were expecting a boy, I refused to give up.
Lo and behold, Chizi came and I thank God that in his infinite mercies, he decided to give me Chizi. I cannot begin to tell you how much joy he brings me. Just like his mama, Chizi is a jack of all trade and master of all! He's a straight A student, he's great at sports, dances very well, fantastic at art, does very believable magic tricks, solves his rubi cube very fast and all the things he does. He's such a delight and so lovable! Always smiling and whistling. Melts my heart all day, every day! I couldn't have asked for a better son! Pray with me #Omonifamthat God will keep him in His love and increase him on every side. No evil shall befall him nor any plague come near him in Jesus name!"
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